Game Reception


Opening the game

As you open up the game you are greeted by an animated background along with sound cues of screams and cheers of the crowd enjoying themselfs on the rides. There is a big image in the top right of the screen displaying the games logo.

Where To Go From Here

There are four buttons to click all in a line at the bottom of the screen.

This first button allows the user to enter their theme park that they have been playing a continue progressing in their theme park.

The user must save their game manually to make sure progress is not lost so that the user can continue from where they left off.

The tutorial is for new players who have not played the game before so that they can learn how to game works and not make any mistakes at the begining that they will nt be ablke to change. this also mean that the user will have the most fun when they know what they are doing.

When the user has saved their game and has finished playing the game they are able to leave the game and quite to the desktop.